1st: Hercules left [???]
2nd: Office and stores closed today for New Years Day.

3rd: Mrs. Diem died this morning aged 35 years.
4th: Very frosty. Snow during night.
5th: Snowing nearly all day.
6th: Snowing till about 10 AM. Put in the advances in the morning and time in the evening. Mrs. Diem buried at 2:30 PM.
7th: Snowed during night. Put in contracts and collections.
8th: Snow during night.
9th: Commenced calculating at 11AM. SS Falcon [?] from St. John’s at 6 PM and left for [?] at 9 PM.
10th: Finished calculating at 3 PM. Marked off changes in the morning. Commenced filling at 4 PM and finished at midnight.
11th: Paying off today. Freezing very hard. Bight frozen over.
12th: Freezing very hard. [?] Falcon from French Shore. Took in 80 tons copper ingots and left for St. John’s in the evening. This should be Friday’s memo.
13th: Freezing hard. SS Falcon arrived from French Shore at 7AM. Took in about 80 tons copper ingots and left for St. John’s in the evening.
14th: Light snow falling all day air mild. Freezing towards evening.
16th: Mr. Turner left for down the shore with Mr. James White this morning via [?]
18th: [?] caught over last night.
19th: Snowing and very mild. Bight covered over with snow which caused the ice to sink.
20th: Snow gone out of Bight. Called off pay book.
21st: Very frosty.
22nd: Very cold.
23rd: Very cold. Snow during night. Bight frozen over again today.
24th: Snowing nearly all day which covered the ice.
25th: Frosty all day and night. Wind about [?].
26th: Wind westerly with hard frost. George Thompson Esquire Chemist married to Miss Whyte this evening.
27th: Mild and snowing all day. Evening fine.
28th: Mild and snowing till 3 PM. Remainder of day fine. Snow during night.
29th: Fine and mild. Frost during night.
30th: Rather colder.
31st: Frosty.

1st: Cold
2nd: Cold with severe frost.
3rd: Still frosty. T.O. 14 during the night.
4th: Frosty. T.O. 5 inside shop window early this morning. Northern mail arrived at 6PM.
5th-8th missing.
9th: Milder. Finished marking off [?] at 2PM. Commenced filling at 3PM and finished at 11:40PM. Very mild all day. [?] in the afternoon. Southern mail arrived. Northern mail man left.
10th: Paying off. Frosty. Southern mail men left today. T.O. 14 during night. Commenced paying at 9AM.
11th: Still paying off. Wind NE. Rain and cold.
13th: Still paying off. Frosty.
14th: Finished advances. Mild all day - snow and frost during night. A Temperance meeting held in Church of England school room this evening.
15th: Snowing all day and day mild. Hard frost during night.
16th: Fine and mild.
17th: Northern mail man arrived.
18th: Frosty. Evening mild.
19th: Fine and frosty.
20th: Mild in morning and afternoon. Cold with snow in evening. Frosty all night.
21st: Mild with light snow. Southern mail arrived. Very mild all night.
22nd: Fine and mild all day. Northern mail man left this morning. Call off pay book for summary.
23rd: Frosty. Kept home today for doctor's orders having rheumatism very bad in thigh and hip. Southern mail left this morning.
24th: Still home.
25th: Still home. A meeting held in school room tonight to enquire about a scandalous [???]
27th: Out today for first time since Wednesday. Northern mail arrived.
28th: Wife [?] with a daughter at 2:45 this morning.

1st: Blowing a gale with snow during the night.
2nd: Blowing hard with rain all day. Mail arrived at 3PM. Finished cash summary.
3rd: Showery. [?] started this afternoon. Called in advanced.
4th: Very mild with snow and rain. Evening fine. Slight frost during night.
5th: Put [?] in little brook. Very mild with rain and snow at intervals.
6th: Still very mild. Snow fast disappearing off the ground. Put in time.
7th: Commenced calculating 10AM. Very mild all day. Slight frost during night.
8th: Very mild. Finished calculating at 5PM. Slight frost during night.
9th: Commenced filling at 10:30AM and finished at 5:35 being 5 hours and 6 minutes marking. Slight frost during night.
10th: Slightly freezing all day. Paying off.
11th: Fine and warm.
12th: Fine and rather cold. Southern mail arrived this evening.
13th: Fine. Northern mail man arrived this morning and left again this evening. Mr. Turner gave a lecture tonight. Subject what [?] at Brussels.
14th: Fine. Southern mail left this morning.
15th: Snowing early in the morning. Mr. Turner left for Leading Tickles about 7AM. Fine and mild from 10AM for the remainder of the day. Messrs Cunningham, Blacker, and C Tilly from Nippers Harbour.
16th: Fine and mild.
17th: Very fine and mild. Stores and office closed. [?] snow during the night. Messrs Cunningham, Blacker and Tilly for Nippers Harbour. Concert in RC school tonight by brass band.
18th: Snowing all day and frost during the night.
19th: Very frosty all day. A shop and store belonging to John Butt of Shoals Arm burnt to the ground at about 8PM. Mr. James White started for Terra Nova this morning.
20th: Fine and warm. Called off summary pay book.
21st: Mild again today.
22nd: Very fine and mild. Mr. Turner returned today from Leading Tickles with Mr. Herbert from Pilly’s Island.
23rd: Mild and dull. Southern mail arrived at 3:30PM.
24th: Very mild with rain all day. The Tilt Cove mail arrived this morning and left again at 2PM.
25th: Fine and mild. Frost during night. Southern mail left.
26th: Fine all day with frost.
27th: Fine and frosty. [?] Herbert for Pilly’s Island.
28th: Fine and rather mild.
29th: Moderate and dull all day. Air very mild. Evening blowing [?] SW all day.
30th: Office and stores closed. Very mild. Frosty in the evening and night.
31st: Frosty and fine. Wind SW.

1st: Fine wind SW.
2nd: Fine wind SW.
3rd: Wind E and snowing all day.
4th: Wind [?] and fine. [???] Put in advances.
5th: Wind west to [?] fine and frosty. Put in time.
6th: Put in contracts. Wind [?]. Some steamers seen off the harbour today supposed to be [?] bound south. Commenced marking off [?] this morning but left off at 3PM to [???]. Finished marking 6PM. Put in contracts this morning.
7th: Tilt Cove mail arrived. Wind SW.
8th: Fine [?] cold wind W. Baby christened today.
9th: Fine wind SW. Finished calculating at 11:30AM. Commenced filling at 1:30PM and finished at 10:10PM.
10th: Snowing with wind [?]. Paying off.
11th: Wind [?] cold. Southern mail arrived at 4PM.
12th: Wind Easterly fine and cold. Tilt Cove mail left this morning. Southern mail this afternoon. [?] Pay Day.
13th: Wind still [?] Bay full of ice.
14th: Wind W with snow occasionally.
15th: Wind W with snow.
16th: Wind [?] to the E with snow. Blowing a gale. Rain during night.
17th: Wind [?]. Blowing hard with snow and rain. Blowing a gale with snow during the night.
18th: Wind [?] fresh breeze with snow in morning. Evening misty rain. Called off pay book for summary. Wind veered to W [?] about 7:30PM.
19th: Wind W [?] moderate and fine. Went to Shoal Arm this afternoon on [?] (private) first half holiday for winter. SS Neptune left for St. John’s with mail this morning.
20th: Wind W in the morning very moderate. Afternoon and evening wind E fresh breeze. Hard frost during night [???] SS Conscript from England for [?] Mail service returned. [???]
21st: Wind E Blowing fresh and cold. Evening snow and [?] as it has been for the winter [???] of snow fell during the night.
22nd: Wind W to SW. Strong breeze and fine. Ice moving off.
23rd: Wind W to NW fresh breeze and [?]. Snow during night. SS Neptune at Trinity today.
24th: Wind easterly fresh breeze and showery [?] Evening wind SW to W fresh breeze and fine.
25th: Wind W to NW fresh breeze and fine.
26th: Wind E fresh breeze and fine. Shooting match today. Frost during night.
27th: Wind NW to NE moderate and fine. A steamer seen in the [?] at [?] PM supposed to be the Neptune but she went off again the ice being too tight in the Bight.
28th: Wind W to NW fresh breeze and fine. Mails [?] Neptune arrived from Little Bay Islands this morning. Steamer went to Nippers Harbour.
29th: Snow during night. Cold but fine wind E [?] left for Little Bay Islands this [?] to join the Neptune.
30th: Wind E to [?] fresh breeze and cold.

1st: Wind [?] Ice fast clearing out. Mr. Turner returned from Little Bay Islands. Afternoon wind veered to E bringing ice in again.
2nd: Wind E and blowing very hard. Harbour nearly full of ice. Blowing and snowing during the night. David Oakes’ wife died at 11PM.
3rd: Wind E to [?] Blowing a gale with snow all day. Put in advances.
4th: Wind E Blowing a gale with snow and drift. Put in time. A lot of snow fell during the night.
5th: Wind E fresh breeze with slight snow. Evening misty rain. Commenced marking cheques. Put in contracts.
6th: Wind E and fine.
7th: Wind [?] moderate and fine. Finished marking cheques and commenced calculating at 10:15AM.
8th: Wind [?] moderate and fine. Finished calculating at 4:30PM.
9th: Wind [?] moderate and fine. Evening heavy rain. Wind E with rain all night. Commenced filling at 10AM and finished at 6:30PM. [???]
10th: Wind [?] moderate and fine. Commenced paying off at 9AM.
11th: Wind E moderate and fine. Ice fast coming in to the Bight. Heard that SS Neptune was frozen in at Bryants Cove.
12th: Wind E moderate and fine.
13th: Wind E dull and slight shower of rain. Mary Foote buried this afternoon.
14th: Wind E moderate and dull. Bay full of ice.
15th: Wind E to [?] moderate dull and foggy.
16th: Wind E moderate and foggy till about noon the remainder of the day fine. Foggy again at night.
17th: Wind E fresh breeze and showery. Bay still full of ice.
18th: Wind E to [?] Moderate and fine. SS Falcon [?] from Conn Bay with 185 tons coal and 183 tons coke. 9 days from Conn Bay at 5:30PM. Ice in bay [???]
19th: Wind [?] and moderate. Bay still full of ice.
20th: Wind [?] and fine.
21st: Wind E to [?] moderate and dull. Ice still in. Wind W during night.
22nd: Wind E to [?] moderate and dull with misty rain occasionally.
23rd: Wind [?] moderate dull and [?] SS Falcon for St. John’s in ballast at 4AM. Rev H. Turner, Mr. Burgess and other passengers. The Falcon [???] Islands at night fall.
24th: Wind [?] fresh breeze and fine. Falcon started again from Little Bay Islands at daylight. Office closed being Queen’s birthday.
25th: Wind [?] fresh breeze and fine. SS Falcon arrived at St. John’s this afternoon.
26th: Wind E moderate and fine. Wind [?] during night.
27th: Wind [?] fine in morning, afternoon and evening [?]
28th: Wind [?] moderate dull and showery. Mr. Herbert from Pilly’s Island.
29th: Wind E to [?] fresh breeze and fine. Mr. Herbert for Pilly’s Island this afternoon. Some men from Tilt Cove for the doctor a man having been hurt in the mine there.
30th: Wind W [?] pleasant breeze and fine. SS Perry for Tilt Cove with the doctor at 4AM.
31st: Wind W to [?] pleasant breeze fine and warm. Perry from Tilt Cove with doctor and freight of Neptune departs. Wind NE in the bay all day yesterday. White ball of ice.

1st: Wind E to [?] fresh and fine.
2nd: Wind [?] in the morning. SS Falcon [?] from Conn Bay at 7AM. SS Leopard [?] from southward at noon. Wind [?] at about 4PM with fresh breeze. Leopard for Tilt Cove 7:30PM.
3rd: Wind [?] and fine. SS Leopard from Tilt Cove 5PM left for St. John’s at 8PM.
4th: Wind W in the morning. Afternoon wind E. Fine all day. SS Alaska - Robertson from New York [?] at 1PM.
5th: Wind W fresh breeze and fine. SS Falcon for Glace Bay.
6th: Put in advances and time. Wind W blowing hard and fine. A fire broke out in the bottom of Little Bay this morning [?] burnt out every family nearly down to the cricket ground [???] til nearly dark. About 10 or 15 families have lost everything.
7th: Wind E to NE. Moderate dull and showers. Perry for [?] for dogs. Found out this morning that there was a woman with children and a man burned to death yesterday. Put in contracts. Commenced calculating at 7:30 [?].
8th: Wind [?] and fine. Marked off cheque book. Finished calculating at 10:30PM. SS Alaska for Pilly’s Island. Perry from SW Arm. SS Alaska for Pelly’s Island.
9th: Wind [?] 11AM. Remainder of day wind E find all day. Finished marking off this morning. Commenced filling at 10[?] and finished at 11:10[?]
10th: Wind E and fine.
11th: Wind W to [?] moderate and showery in the morning. Afternoon and evening fine. SS Leopard from [?] southward. 11AM left for French Shore at 5PM. Paying off.
12th: Wind W to SW and fine.
13th: Wind W and fine.
14th: Wind W to SW fresh breeze and fine. SS Leopard from the northward out 4:30PM. A fire broke out on Otter Island this afternoon. Leopard left St. John’s [?] at [?]PM.
15th: Wind [?] pleasant breeze and fine. The fire broke out on Otter Island yesterday resulted in leaving three or four families homeless.
16th: Wind W moderate and fine. Afternoon and evening showery. Salmon [?] fish sale today.
17th: Wind [?] and cold.
18th: Wind E to [?] fresh breeze cold and showery.
19th: Wind E to SE fresh breeze cold and showery.
20th: Wind E to [?] fresh breeze dull and cold.
21st: Wind W [?] fresh breeze dull and cloudy. SS Glendale [?] from Cow Bay at 6PM Mr. Burgess passenger
22nd: Wind SW to [?] fresh breeze and fine.
23rd: Wind E fresh breeze and dull.
24th: Wind [?] and fine. SS Leopard from St. John’s at 2:30PM left for [?]
25th: Wind [?] pleasant breeze and fine but cold. SS Glendale, Deckman for Conn Bay at 8:30PM.
26th: Wind E fresh breeze and fine. Revenue cruiser Rose arrived at 7PM with Mr F. Berteau on route for Labrador.
27th: Wind E fresh breeze and fine but very cold.
28th: Wind [?] fresh breeze and dull. SS Leopard from [?] at 6AM and left for St. John’s at 8AM. Misses Gould and Whelan went in [?]
29th: Wind W to [?] moderate and fine. Revenue cruiser Rose for Labrador [?] Berteau went in her for good of his health.
30th: Wind E and dull.

1st: Wind [?] and fine
2nd: Wind from SW to [?] fresh breeze and fine. Paid store advances for [?] this afternoon and commenced adding advance book at 4PM.
3rd: Wind SW to S moderate and fine. Finished adding advance book and made up cash at 9:30PM. SS Glendale, Deckman from Conn Bay at 11AM.
4th: Fine. Put in advances. New hat.
5th: Fine and warm with fresh breeze. Put in time and contracts.
6th: Fine fresh breeze and very warm. SS Glendale for [?] and Montreal at 10AM. Mr. Robert Lind passenger for Montreal. Wind [?] in the afternoon and cold. Commenced calculating at 9:30AM. A firm claps of thunder during the afternoon.
7th: Wind W moderate and fine in morning. Afternoon showery. Evening fine. Finished calculating at 3PM. SS Plover [?] from St. John’s at 10:30[?]
8th: Plover for Tilt Cove at 4:30AM. Fine and warm [?]. SS Plover from Tilt Cove at 4PM.
9th: Wind W pleasant breeze and fine. Commenced filling envelopes at 9:30AM and finished at 8:30PM. Rain during night.
10th: Wind [?] pleasant breeze and fine. SS [?], Delaney from St. John’s and other ports at 7AM and left again for Tilt Cove at 10AM. Rev A. Pittman came from Twillingate and proceeded to Tilt Cove having been appointed to attend the mission for a month. Paying off.
11th: Wind W moderate and fine. Evening wind [?] and fine. [?] F. Berteau in Perry from Terra Nova.
12th: Wind W moderate and fine. SS Conscript from the northward at 1AM and left for the [?] at 3AM. Afternoon wind veered easterly fresh and fine. Air cool [???] Berteau south [?] Conscript also Mr. Diem for Twillingate latter for St. John’s.
13th: Wind W to NW fresh breeze and fine. Advances given today.
14th: Wind W to SW moderate and cloudy. A slight shower during the day.
15th: Wind SW to [?] pleasant breeze and fine. A slight shower of rain at 6AM.
16th: Wind E moderate dull and showery.
17th: Wind [?] fresh breeze dull showery in the morning. Afternoon, evening fine. Adding pay book.
18th: Wind W to [?] pleasant breeze and fine. Still adding pay book.
19th: Wind W to SW fresh breeze and fine. Made out [?] summary.
20th: Wind W to SW moderate and fine. Rev Pittman came from Nippers Harbour in the Perry this morning. Service tonight in church. Raining hard during night.
21st: Wind S to SW fresh breeze and dull with occasional rain. Air warm.
22nd: Wind [?] and fine. SS Conscript from St. John’s and left for [?] after about 2 hours. [???]
23rd: Wind SW to [?] pleasant breeze fine and cool. Raining all night. Commenced calling off pay book at about 3PM [???] Miss Gould came [?] yesterday.
24th: Wind E to NE fresh breeze dull and showery with heavy sky. Finished calling off pay book at 6PM.
25th: Wind E fresh breeze dull and showery. Heavy thunder and lightning from 9:30 till 10:30PM.
26th: Wind [?] fresh breeze and showery with heavy sea. Finished summery of pay book this morning. Finished adding small pay book.
27th: Wind E to [?]
28th: Wind [?] moderate and fine. Rain during night. SS Conscript from Battle Harbour at 5:40PM. Mr. E F Berteau passenger. [?] started again for southward at 7[?]
29th: Fine. [?] Ranger Pike from St. John’s at 11AM. Mr. Diem and [?] passengers. Rain during night.
30th: Wind E to SE fresh breeze dull and showery.
31st: Wind E to SE fresh breeze dull and showery.
1st: Wind SW to W fresh breeze dull and showery in the morning. Afternoon and evening fine. Paid store advances for July this afternoon. Commenced adding advance book at 5PM.

2nd: Wind SW to S fresh breeze dull and showery all day. Adding advance book this afternoon. Could not do much on account of not being well, must try to finish tomorrow.
3rd: Wind variable from SW to [?]. Moderate dull and showery. [?] Credit, Matthew Foss Tilt Cove. Rev A. Pittman Passenger. Could not finish advance book today.
4th: Wind variable from W to E. Moderate and dull. SS Conscript left St. John’s this morning. Finishing adding advance and [?] cash summary today.
5th: Fine but cold.
6th: Wind SE fresh breeze and dull. A general holiday today [???] and others [?] all day. Working in office myself till 4PM [?] Customs duties [?]
7th: Wind S to E moderate and dull. SS Conscript from St. John’s at 9AM and started for Battle Harbour at 1PM. Man of war steamer Pylades, Rolf with Governor [?] also arrived at 11AM. Put in time and advances. HMS Pylades left again at 2PM for Twillingate. The Governor having gone through Little Bay and seen the work.
8th: Wind E to NE Moderate dull and showery. Put in contracts and commenced calculating at 4:30PM.
9th: Wind E fresh breeze and dull. Bright Faith George from Sydney at 12 noon. Finished calculating at 9:45PM.
10th: Wind W pleasant breeze and fine. SS Glendale, Deckman for Cow Bay 11AM. Commenced filling envelopes at 1PM and finished at 11PM.
11th: Wind W fresh breeze and fine. SS Ranger, Pike for [?] in France from 420 [?] Copper Ingots in [?].
12th: Wind SW to W fresh breeze and fine. SS Conscript from Battle Harbour. Rev A. Pittman passenger from Nippers Harbour.
13th: Wind W to [?] fresh breeze and fine. SS. Conscript for southward at 2AM.
14th: Wind E dull and showery. Schooner St. Anne, Trembley from Montreal with provisions.
15th: Wind SW to [?] moderate and showery. Evening fine. Schooner Summerset from Nippers Harbour with Rev Waterman [???] for Leading Tickles, Mrs. Cunningham came passenger by her.
16th: Wind [?] moderate and fine. [?] Currie from Rickets via St. John’s.
17th: Wind [?] fresh breeze and fine. SS Glendale, Deckman from Cow Bay and SS [?] from New York with coal and coke.
18th: Wind [?] fresh breeze dull and showery.
19th: Wind W pleasant and fine. Schooner St. Anne, Trembley for Sydney.
20th: Wind W [?] moderate dull and showery. SS Glendale, Dickman for Cow Bay and Montreal via St. John’s. A Whyte [?] Whyte [?] Alex Whyte passengers for St. John’s. Messrs FC Diem [?] D. Whyte [?] Blandford for Montreal. [?] Little Wonder from [?].
21st: Wind W moderate and showery.
22nd: Wind E to SE moderate dull and showery. Mr. Cunningham from Nippers Harbour in Hiram Perry.
23rd: Wind [?] moderate dull and showery. SS Conscript from the southward at [?]AM and started for the northward at 10AM. Mr and Mrs Cunningham went in her to Nippers Harbour. Bright Faith for Nippers Harbour and Sydney.
24th: Wind W to [?] moderate and fine. Evening showery. Barque James Witchen for St. John’s.
25th: Wind SW to S moderate and dull with occasional showers of rain. Wrote [?] concerning school teacher.
26th: Moderate and dull. Very ill all day scarcely walk the house from weakness.
27th: Fresh breeze from [?] dull with slight showers. Confined to the house all day. Signed letter from church [?] to Rev. R Temple. Burial Deam [?] to a clergyman for the mission to take Rev Turner’s place.
28th: Wind E fresh breeze with rain all day. SS Conscript from Battle Harbour at 7AM and started for the southward at 10AM. Rev A Pittman SO Flynn and other passengers for different ports from this to St. John’s. SS Cassires, Rix for Sydney.
29th: Wind E moderate with rain. Evening wind W fresh breeze and fine. Rain during night.
30th: Wind W fresh breeze and fine.
31st: Wind W moderate and fine. Rain during night. Schooner Little Wonder for Labrador.

1st: Wind W to S moderate and fine [?] morning afternoon and evening showery. Very weak today barely able to walk.
2nd: Wind W to [?] moderate and showery all day. Held service today - the usual reader being away, although not very well.
3rd: Wind SW to W fresh breeze and fine. Don’t feel a bit well but must work.
4th: Wind SW to SE. Finished cash summary this afternoon and called in advances. Fine all day.
5th: Wind SW to W pleasant breeze and fine.
6th: Wind W to [?] moderate and fine. SS Conscript from the southward at 8:30AM. [?] started again for the north at 11AM. Messrs Smith McKay, Henderson [?] from St. John’s [?] Lind from Fogo and [?] Thompson from Twillingate. A few slight showers of rain during the day. Put in time.
7th: Wind W pleasant and cool.
8th: Wind W pleasant breeze and fine. Put in contracts. Commenced calculating at 3PM.
9th: Fine. Very ill all day. SS Glendale from Cow Bay. Messrs [?] C Diem, J Blandford, W. Tuenby passengers.
10th: Wind SW to SE and dull. Finished calculating at 3PM. Commenced filling at 4PM. Heavy rain during night.
11th: Wind E to S fresh breeze and showery all day. Finished filling at [?]AM and commenced pay off at 9AM.
12th: Wind [?] moderate and dull. SS Conscript from Battle Harbour at 2AM and left for the southward at 4AM. [?] Lind went passenger for Fogo. Evening wind E and cold.
13th: Wind [?] moderate dull and showery. SS Glendale for Cow Bay. Heavy rain during night.
14th: Wind E blowing strong with rain and heavy storm of thunder and lightning from [?] til [?]PM. Raining all night.
15th: Wind [?] fresh breeze and fine. Rain during night.
16th: Wind [?] fresh breeze and fine.
17th: Wind [?] fresh breeze and dull. SS Plover, Manuel from St. John’s at 8:30PM and left for Tilt Cove and Harbour Round at 10:30PM.
18th: Wind NW to W pleasant breeze and fine. SS Leopard, Field from the northward with [???] from St. John’s [?] The Sheriff, Queen’s counsel and other [?] of [?] from St. John’s Rev [?] Temple from Twillingate left again for Battle Harbour at noon. Rev R Temple went for Tilt Cove. Plover [?] Tilt Cove and started for St. John’s in [?]
19th: Wind E to SE fresh breeze and dull. Schooner Agenoria [?] from [?] at 5PM General cargo. Heavy frost during night.
20th: Wind [?] pleasant breeze and fine. [???] landed from HMS [?] via Little Bay Islands at 6PM to go south [?] Leopard.
21st: Wind W to NW pleasant breeze and fine. SS Leopard for Twillingate with [???] at 7:30AM. [???] went to Twillingate in [?] SS Glendale from Cow Bay at 10AM. Evening very warm.
22nd: Wind [?] pleasant breeze and dull. Rain during night.
23rd: Wind [?] fresh breeze and fine but very cold and frost during night.
24th: Wind E moderate and fine. SS Conscript from Battle Harbour at 3:30AM and started again at 5AM for the southward. Miss Abraham, Miss [?], Miss Jane and other passengers from this to different ports south. Frost during night.
25th: Wind S to [?] moderate and cold. SS Glendale, Dickman for Cow Bay with Mr FR Walsh passenger at midnight.
26th: Wind E moderate and fine.
27th: Wind E fresh breeze and dull. SS Plover from St. John’s and left for Tilt Cove.
28th: Wind SE to S moderate and fine. SS Plover from Tilt Cove. Rev R Temple and W Gill passengers. W Gill [?] for St. John’s. School examined by Mr Temple. SS Plover left at about 5PM for St. John’s.
29th: Wind S to E moderate dull and showery. Fixing duties for Agenoria all the afternoon till 11PM.
30th: Wind SE moderate dull and showery. Delaney’s schooner from St. John’s.

1st: Wind E to [?] moderate dull and showery. Commenced adding advance book this afternoon but did not do much owing to not being well and people coming in to hinder me. Blowing a gale with rain all night.
2nd: Wind SE to W fresh breeze and fine. Finished adding advance book tonight. Schooner Agenoria Masson for Glace Bay.
3rd: Wind W fresh breeze and fine. SS Conscript from the south [?] Field passenger [?] for the straights left again in two hours for Battle Harbour. Rev R Temple went in her for Nippers Harbour. [???]
4th: Dull and warm.
5th: Still warm.
6th: Still warm. Entered time [?] and marked off cheques.
7th: Dull and cold. Evening fine.
8th: Warm. Commenced calculating at 9:30AM.
9th: Fine and warm. Finished calculating at noon and commenced filling at 7:30PM.
10th: Fine. Finished filling at 12:30AM and commenced paying at 9AM. SS Plover from Tilt Cove at 1PM and left for St. John’s at 2PM. Rev R Temple from Nippers Harbour [?] Harvey and others passengers. SS Conscript, Walsh from Battle Harbour at 2PM left for St. John’s at 1:30PM.
11th: Wind [?] and fine. Evening cold.
12th: Wind [?] to S fresh breeze dull and showery.
13th: Wind W to NW pleasant breeze and fine.
14th: Wind [?] moderate and fine.
15th: Wind [?] moderate fine and cold.
16th: Wind E to S moderate and find. SS Glendale Dickman from Montreal via Cow Bay, [?] FR Walsh and Mr Archibald passengers.
17th: Wind [?] moderate and fine. Plover left Twillingate [?]PM.
18th: Wind NE moderate and showery. SS Plover from St. John’s at 11AM and left for Labrador at 1PM. SS Conscript from St. John’s and indeterminate ports at 11PM. Rev A Pittman passenger from Twillingate having been appointed incumbent of the Cape Shore.
19th: Wind NW to [?] moderate and fine in the morning. Afternoon and evening showery. SS Conscript for Battle Harbour at 4AM.
20th: Wind E moderate and fine in the morning. Afternoon and evening fresh breeze and showery.
21st: Moderate and dull.
22nd: Wind E moderate dull and showery. Heavy rain during the night.
23rd: Wind [?] fresh breeze and fine. SS Glendale for Cow Bay at 1AM.
24th: Wind E to NE moderate and fine. Rain during the night.
25th: Wind [?] blowing a gale and showery.
26th: Wind E moderate and fine. SS Conscript from Battle Harbour at 4:30PM and started for southward at 6PM.
27th: Wind W moderate and fine.
28th: Wind NE to [?] moderate and fine. Children’s service this afternoon.
29th: Wind [?] moderate and fine in the morning till 4PM. The remainder of the day showery. Perry for Tilt Cove at 10AM. Rev A Pittman and James White Esquire passengers. Fresh breeze all night.
30th: Wind [?] fresh breeze and fine. Hard frost during night.
31st: Wind NW fresh breeze fine and frosty. Perry returned from Tilt Cove. [?] Whyte Esquire and Dr. Joseph passengers. Paid store advances at 5PM.

1st: Wind [?] fresh breeze and fine. Snow early in the morning. Freezing at night.
2nd: Wind W to [?] fresh breeze and fine. Misty rain from 5 to 7PM. Fine all night. Very cold. Added advance book.
3rd: Wind NW to W moderate and dull. Rain before daylight. Air warm. SS Conscript from south at 2PM. [?] other passengers. Schooner [?] Matthews from St. John’s at 10PM. Made cash summary.
4th: Wind E to N fresh breeze dull and showery. Rain during the night. SS Conscript at 11AM.
5th: Wind NW to W pleasant breeze fine cold. Snow and frost before daylight.
6th: Wind SE to E moderate and dull from dark. Snow till midnight. Put in advances and time.
7th: Wind [?] moderate and dull in the morning. Evening wind W. Showery all day. Put in contracts and marked off cheques tonight.
8th: Wind [?] pleasant breeze and fine. Commenced calculating at 10AM and finished at midnight.
9th: [?] fresh breeze and fine. SS Conscript from northward at 7AM. Commenced filling at 11AM and finished at 10:30PM.
10th: Wind NW fresh breeze fine and frosty. SS Conscript for St. John’s at 10AM with mails and copper ore. Paying off.
11th: Fine all day.
12: Home sick. Snow tonight.
13th: Home sick.
14th: Home sick.
15th: Snow disappeared again today. Home sick.
16th: Home sick. Plover from St. John’s at 9PM and left for Tilt Cove at 11PM.
17th: Still home. SS Plover from Tilt Cove at 7PM and left for St. John’s at 9PM. Hard frost nearly all the week.
18th: Not out today. Freezing hard all day.
19th: Wind NW to W moderate and fine. SS Conscript from St. John’s and intermediate places at 8PM. WG Walker and wife passengers from Trinity.
20th: Wind SW to [?] moderate dull and showery. SS Conscript left for [?] this morning early. Evening and night frosty.
21st: Wind W to NW fresh breeze and fine hard frost all day.
22nd: Wind W fresh breeze and fine. Perry for Twillingate Messers A Whyte and EF Berteau passengers. Frosty all day.
23rd: Wind [?] fresh breeze fine and frosty. Rev A Pittman from Nippers Harbour via Three Arms having walked from latter place. SS Conscript from the north at 10PM. Service tonight at church.
24th: Wind N fresh breeze fine and frosty. SS Conscript for St. John’s at 5PM having taken in some [?].
25th: Fine with hard frost. Thanksgiving service in the church.
26th: Wind W fresh breeze find and frosty.
27th: Wind NW to [?] fresh breeze and fine. Blowing hard with heavy rain all night.
29th: Wind E fresh breeze and dull. SS Plover from St. John’s at 1:45PM. Slight frost during the night. Plover left for Bensons at about 4PM.
30th: Wind [?] blowing very hard with heavy sea. SS Plover for La Scie at 7:30AM. Service in church morning with celebration and evening as usual [?] by Bishop as day of Intercession for Missions.

1st: Very cold. Great crowd for advances in the morning. Paid store advances this evening.
2nd-5th missing
6th: Fine and mild. SS Conscript for [?] at 5:30PM Rev A Pittman passenger for Tilt Cove. Put in contracts and collections. Snow during night.
7th: Snowing all day. Commenced calculating at 10AM.
8th: Fine and frosty. Finished calculating at 11:30AM. Commenced filling at 2PM and finished at 11PM.
9th: Fine and frosty. SS Conscript from [???]
10th: Wind W fine and frosty. SS Conscript for St. John’s at 4PM. Paying off. [?] arrived this morning [?]. Sillars Esquire of St. John’s was shot by W. Parnell.
11th: Fine and frosty with wind westerly.
13th: Wind W fresh breeze and fine with frost.
14th: Wind NE fresh breeze with snow.
15th: Wind E with snow till 11AM. Remainder of day fine with W wind and frost.
16th: Fine all day.
17th: Wind [?] moderate and dull. SS Plover arrived at Loading Wharf during night from St. John’s.
18th: Wind [?] moderate and dull till 3PM. Remained of day snowing. Plover came from Loading Wharf at 7AM and left for St. John’s at 10:30AM.
19th: Wind NE to E with snow.
20th: Wind N to NE moderate and fine. Evening dull.
21st: Wind NW to W moderate and fine. SS Conscript from the southward at 10PM. Miss E Gould [?] came passenger en route for Tilt Cove.
22nd: Wind [?] moderate and fine. SS Conscript for [?] at 10AM. A Whyte Esquire went in her for Terra Nova [?]
23rd: Fine and frosty.
24th: Fine and cold. Rev Pittman arrived from Nippers Harbour at 6PM.
25th: Fine and mild. Office stores closed.

26th: Wind W moderate and fine. SS Conscript at Loading Wharf from the northward at 6PM. A Whyte Esquire and Mr FH Berteau passengers from Little Bay North. Office stores closed.
27th: Wind west moderate and fine. SS Conscript for St. John’s at 10:30AM with
28th: Wind SW fine and mild.
29th: Wind [?] mild with rain.
30th: Fine and rather dull. A little snow during night.
31st: Fine and frost.
1st: Fine. SS Plover from St. John’s at 9AM and left for Tilt Cove at noon.
2nd: Fine and frosty. SS Plover from Tilt Cove at midnight. Snow during night.
3rd: Fine. Plover for St. John’s at 1AM.
4th: Fine till 4PM. Remainder of day light snow.