Newfoundland has a hidden history. In the last decades of the 19th century there was a mining boom in the Northern region which culminated at Little Bay after a copper discovery there in 1878. It dwarfed all previous finds and garnered the attention of the colonial world. I am rediscovering the story of that town. Called the el Dorado of Newfoundland and the gem of the island it quickly became one of Newfoundland’s largest 19th century communities. Founded by a German Baron and claiming advanced industrial wharfage it hosted steamships from around the world. The town’s population was internationally travelled earning it a cosmopolitan reputation. Mining was expected to overtake fishing and Little Bay was expected to carry Newfoundland to new heights. That all ended in 1903 when a fire ravished the town. It was gone as quickly as it came but for a few brief years it had the attention of the world and the imagination of the island.
I’ve been uncovering this history for awhile now. The town was well documented in its heyday but afterwards near completely forgotten. That makes it unique. This is an important piece of Newfoundland’s history. I want people to find out about it. It deserves that. I’ve amassed a sizeable database. My essays are pretty academic but I’m editing them into a book that I hope reads with more excitement. The combination of a lost history and the brief but well documented period it flourished allows me to summon the experience of the town in pretty exquisite detail.
I get genealogical requests a lot. In light of that I’ve put together something of a census for 1889. I figure that's the best way to get attention for this. I suspect a lot of people trace their lineage to Little Bay without realizing the scale of it. I’ve got a Patreon page if you want to help out and sharing this post would be appreciated. I'm hoping it reaches the descendants of people listed. They could have more material. I'm always hunting for new sources! Thanks.
Abraham, Henry - Methodist reverend (Twillingate Sun)
Abraham, Julia Burpee Milligan - wife of Henry (TS)
Anstey, Samuel DOD (Evening Telegram)
Anstey, Emily - wife of Samuel (TS)
Anstey, son of Samuel and Emily (ET)
Anstey, Naomi Susan - daughter of Samuel and Emily (deduced)
Anstey - other children of Samuel and Emily (TS)
Armstrong, A. (St. John’s Colonist)
Armstrong, M. (SJC)
Aspell, Mrs. (SJC)
Atkins, Mark (TS)
Atkins, Christina Matilda miss (ET)
Baldwin A. - S.A. captain (War Cry)
Ball, Samuel (TS)
Beasant, miss - teacher (TS)
Benson, Jonathan J. - provisions store merchant (TS)
Benson, Arthur L. - son of Jonathan (Who’s Who)
Benson, Benjamin (Anglican cemetery)
Benson, Jemima - wife of Benjamin (Anglican cemetery)
Benson, Alice Jane - daughter of Benjamin and Jemima DOD (Anglican cemetery)
Berteau, Ernest.F.- customs agent (ET)
Blandford, John Bennett - magistrate (Newfoundland Almanac)
Blandford, Mary miss (TS)
Bouzan, Thos M. - DOB (1921 census)
Bouzan, Richard M. (Massachusetts marriages)
Bouzan, Anastasia Hayes - wife of Richard (Massachusetts marriages)
Bouzan, Norah - daughter of Richard and Anastasia DOB (Massachusetts marriages)
Bouzane, James M. (Massachusetts marriages)
Bouzane, Jennie Saunder - wife of James (Massachusetts marriages)
Boyd, William Thomas - DOD (UC burials)
Boyle, Patrick (SJC)
Boyle, Peter (SJC)
Boyle, Mrs. (SJC)
Boyle, Mary Catherine - DOB (Massachusetts marriages)
Boyles, B. (TS)
Bowers, George H. (Methodist marriages)
Breene, P. (SJC)
Breene, John sr. (SJC)
Breene, Joseph (SJC)
Bremner, Mr. (Harbour Grace Standard)
Brennan, John (SJC)
Bryden, William (SJC)
Burgess, Edward Robert - politician (ET)
Burke, Harold (SJC)
Burke, P. (SJC)
Burke, P. Mrs. (SJC)
Burke, Thomas (SJC)
Burke, miss (SJC)
Burke - widow (SJC)
Bussey, Jospeh - miner (Wells)
Buzzan, John (SJC)
Buzzan, Richard (SJC)
Buzzan, Thomas - logger (SJC)
Byrne, Richard (SJC)
Byrne, Samuel (Wells)
Campbell - S.A. cadet (ET)
Cain, Thomas (Wells)
Caines, W. (Wells)
Cashin, Catherine DOD (SJC)
Chant, Elizabeth (Methodist marriages)
Clarke, Josiah (TS)
Cleary - captain (ET)
Colbourne, John (Vital stats)
Colbourne, Clara - wife of John (Vital stats)
Colbourne, Arthur John - son of John and Clara DOB (Vital stats)
Coleman, B. (SJC)
Coleman, Edward C. - DOB (US border crossings)
Coleman, Jane miss (SJC)
Coleman, John sr. (SJC)
Coleman, J. Mrs. (SJC)
Coleman, Peter (SJC)
Coady, James B. - teacher (SJC)
Coney, Thomas DOD (SJC)
Conners, Frank (Wells)
Connolly, P. (ET)
Conway, Thomas (SJC)
Conway, Minnie - student (SJC)
Cooke, Charles (SJC)
Cooney, Edward (Wells)
Cooney, Thomas DOD (ET)
Corbett, John jr (Wells)
Costello, William (SJC)
Courtney, E. - Mrs. - innkeeper (ET)
Cronan, Jas Mrs. (SJC)
Cullen, Patrick (SJC)
Curran, John (SJC)
Curran, Mary (SJC)
Curran, Patrick (SJC)
Curran, William (SJC)
Curtis, John (TS)
Curtis, miss (TS)
Cushin, Mary Catherine DOD (ET)
Delaney, J. (SJC)
Delaney - son of J. (SJC)
Delaney - son of J. (SJC)
Delaney, James (SJC)
Delaney, Patrick (SJC)
Delaney, Walter (SJC)
Deloughery, Maud - student (SJC)
Deloughery, Joseph (Vital stats)
Deloughery, Frances - wife of Joseph (Vital stats)
Deloughery, Ellen Catherine - daughter of Joseph and Frances DOB (Vital stats)
Dennehey, John (SJC)
Denny, Mrs. - insane (ET)
Diem, Ada miss (TS)
Diem, Alice (TS)
Diem, Jacob P. - mine cashier (ET)
Diem, Priscilla Gould - wife of Jacob. (ET)
Diem, Florence miss (TS)
Diem, Ernest (TS)
Dillon, John (deduced)
Dillon, Mary (deduced)
Dineen, Mrs. (SJC)
Dinnehy, John (SJC)
Dobbin, David - miner (Voter’s List)
Doheny, Edward (SJC)
Donahoe, William (BC marriage regs)
Donahoe, Jeremiah - son of William and Joanna Melea DOB (BC marriage regs)
Donahue, Johanna (RC cemetery)
Donohoe, Edmund (SJC)
Donohoe, J. (SJC)
Donohoe, Malachi (SJC)
Dove, Jessie B. - DOD (UC burials)
Dowell, George (WC)
Doyle, John (SJC)
Duder, Edwin (ET)
Duder, John Congdon - subcollector of customs (ET)
Duder, Raywood (Wells)
Duhoney, Mrs. (ET)
Dunn, Mr. (Wells)
Dunn, miss (SJC)
Dunphy, James (SJC)
Dunphy, Michael (SJC)
Dunphy, T. (SJC)
Dunphy, J. Mrs. (SJC)
Dunphy, Mrs. (SJC)
Dwyer, Patrick (SJC)
Eagan, Ed (SJC)
Eagan, John (SJC)
Eagan, Patrick (SJC)
Egan, Catherine Mrs. - sub-agent for Singer Sewing Machines (ET)
England, Enos - miner (deduced)
Fahey, Sarah Gillis DOD (RC cemetery)
Fahey, James (Massachusetts deaths)
Fahey, Margaret Curran - wife of James (Massachusetts deaths)
Fahey, William - son of James and Margaret (Massachusetts deaths)
Fahey, William (SJC)
Findlater, Mr. (TS)
Finlay, John (SJC)
Finlay, John Bernard - DOB (US WW2 draft card)
Fitzgerald, Ed (SJC)
Fitzgerald, James (SJC)
Fitzgerald, John (SJC)
Fitzgerald, Thomas (SJC)
Fitzgerald, William (SJC)
Fitzgerald, miss (SJC)
Fitzgerald, Mrs. (SJC)
Flynn, Michael (SJC)
Flynn, Thomas (SJC)
Flynn, miss (ET)
Foley, William (SJC)
Foran, P. (HGS)
Ford, Richard - DOB (US WW1 draft cards)
Forsythe, James (SJC)
Friend, A. (SJC)
Fry, John (Wells)
Furey, James (Voter’s List)
Furey, Edward - son of James (Voter’s List)
Gardner, Martin (BC death regs)
Gardner, Mary Ellen - wife of Martin (BC death regs)
Gardner, Patrick Joseph - son of Martin and Mary DOB (BC death regs)
Garland, Mr. (TS)
Ginn, Elizabeth (Wells)
Gordon, Alice (SJC)
Green, Mrs. (HGS)
Grey, Richard (SJC)
Guy, Tom (Wells)
Haggett, Pearce - DOB (1921 census)
Haggett, William - DOB (1921 census)
Hamilton, William (SJC)
Hanrahan, W. (RC school records)
Harrington, John
Harrington, John Joseph - son of John DOB (Minnesota WW1 records)
Hatcher, miss (TS)
Hayse, Mary B. (SJC)
Hayse, William (SJC)
Head, John (SJC)
Head, Thomas - miner (SJC)
Head, Mary Sargent - wife of Thomas (Atlantic Guardian, Sept 1948)
Head, Sylvester James - son of Thomas and Mary (deduced)
Head, Lawrence - son of Thomas and Mary (deduced)
Head, James Thomas - son of Thomas and Mary (Atlantic Guardian, Sept 1948)
Head, Patrick Joseph - son of Thomas and Mary (deduced)
Head, Bernard - son of Thomas and Mary (deduced)
Hearn, Patrick - storekeeper (SJC)
Hearn, P. Mrs. (SJC)
Hedderson, J. sr (SJC)
Herbert, Fred (TS)
Herbert, miss - organist (TS)
Holden, Patrick (SJC)
Houson, Mr. (TS)
Howlett, Martin (SJC)
Hubley, Ada (TS)
Hubley, Joel A. (ET)
Hubley, Emily Sarah - wife of Joel DOD (ET)
Hubley, Cyrus Alexander - son of Joel and Emily DOD (ET)
Hunt, Henry (Wells)
Hurley, Daniel (SJC)
James, W. (TS)
James, miss (TS)
Jeans, Mr. (TS)
Joseph, Louis - doctor (Aberdeen Press and Journal)
Joseph, Alice Jane Duder - wife of Louis (Aberdeen Press and Journal)
Kavanagh, J. (SJC)
Kean, B. Mrs. (SJC)
Keating, John (SJC)
Keating, Michael (SJC)
Keef, Nicholas (Wells)
Kelly, Laurence (SJC)
Kelly, Thomas (SJC)
Kehoe, Mary - student (SJC)
Keough, David (SJC)
Keough, Michael (SJC)
Keough, Richard (SJC)
Keough, James (SJC)
Keough, John (SJC)
Keough, J. Mrs (SJC)
Keough, William (SJC)
Keough, miss (SJC)
Killday, Michael (Wells)
King, Benjamin (Wells)
Knight, John (SJC)
Lacey, William (ET)
Lamb, John - jeweller (STJ)
Lamme, M. (SJC)
Langmead, George (ET)
Leary, Bridget miss DOD - the Priest's housekeeper (TS)
Lindstrom, A. (SJC)
Lind, Henry - company storekeeper (Taylor)
Lind, Elizabeth - wife of Henry (Taylor)
Lind, William - son of Henry and Elizabeth (Taylor)
Lind, Robert George - son of Henry and Elizabeth (Taylor)
Lind, James Marshall - son of Henry and Elizabeth (Taylor)
Lind, Francis Thomas - son of Henry and Elizabeth (Taylor)
Lind, Mabel miss (TS)
Liscomb, Elijah - miner (Methodist marriages)
Liscomb, Agnes Rice - wife of Elijah (Methodist marriages)
Locke, Fanny - widow (UC burials)
Locke, James - DOB (1921 census)
Loder, John (SJC)
Lynch, Patrick - miner (ET)
Lynch, Mrs. (SJC)
Malcolm, Catherine - widow of Robert (SJC)
Malcolm - children of Catherine (deduced)
Manning, John E. - Methodist reverend (ET)
Manning, Mary (SJC)
Manning, miss (ET)
Mansfield, Anthony (Wells)
Manuel, John DOB (1921 census)
March, Mr. (ET)
Maronite, A. (SJC)
Martin, John (Wells)
Martin, Chas (SJC)
Martin, William - DOD (UC burials)
Matthews, Michael (Wells)
McArthur, Allan - shoemaker (Wells)
McDonald, Richard D. (deduced)
McDonald, Mary Bouzane - wife of Richard (deduced)
McGrath, R.M. (SJC)
McGrath, Richard J. - tailor (ET)
McGrath - with of R.J. (ET)
McGrath - son of R.J. DOB (ET)
McKay, R.S.J. (TS)
McKenzie, Hector E. (Wells)
McKenzie, Jean Louise LeMie - wife of Hector (Who’s Who)
McKenzie, James Archie - son of Hector and Jean (Who’s Who)
McKinnon, J. (SJC)
McLean, John jr. (SJC)
McLean, Michael - bootlegger (SJC)
McLean, Mary - wife of Michael (Wells)
McLean, Annie - daughter of Michael and Mary (SJC)
Meaney, Denis (SJC)
Mercer, Elijah - DOB (Maine arrivals)
Mercer, John (SJC)
Mercer, William (SJC)
Miller, George William (Vital stats)
Miller, Annie Marie - wife of George (Vital stats)
Miller, Mary E. - daughter of George and Annie DOB (Vital stats)
Mills, Warwick - DOB (1921 census)
Molloy, John (SJC)
Moore, Grace (BC death regs)
Moore, Thomas J. (SJC)
Moores, George (Vital stats)
Moores, Maria - wife of George (Vital stats)
Moores, Ernest John (Vital stats)
Moris, Mrs. (TS)
Mullowney, Mr. (HGS)
Murphy, James (SJC)
Murphy, John (SJC)
Murphy, Mrs. - wife of John (SJC)
Murphy, Lizzie (SJC)
Murphy, Matthew (SJC)
Murphy, William (SJC)
Mutley, J. (TS)
Norris, James (SJC)
O’Flynn, Stephen - RC reverend (HGS)
O’Flynn miss - pianist (TS)
O’Neil, John (SJC)
O’Neil, Robert (SJC)
Osmond, Patrick (Wells)
Osmond, miss (ET)
Parsons, Mabel miss (TS)
Payne, W.B. - Mrs. (ET)
Payne, William Mrs. (ET)
Pearce, miss (ET)
Peddle, William (SJC)
Penney, Lizzie - S.A. captain (WC)
Pinn, Jeffrey (Wells)
Pittman, Arthur - Episcopalian reverend (ET)
Pittman, John (SJC)
Power, Edward (SJC)
Power, Mrs. - wife of Edward (SJC)
Power, Laurence (SJC)
Power, Peter (SJC)
Quinby, George - store keeper (ET)
Quenby, Mrs. (ET)
Quenby, miss (ET)
Reddin, Charles O’Brien - foreman (ET)
Reed, Kenneth - DOD (UC burials)
Rice, Thomas (TS)
Richards, William (SJC)
Richards, W. Mrs. (SJC)
Richards, Temple (TS)
Richards - girl (ET)
Richards - boy (Wells)
Rideout, Joseph (UC burials)
Rideout, Mary Ann - wife of Joseph (UC burials)
Rideout, Joseph - son of Joseph and Mary DOD (UC burials)
Roberts, Sydney (TS)
Roberts, William - fisherman (Methodist marriages)
Rolf, Andrew (Land claim)
Rolfe, Bessie miss (TS)
Rolfe, Susie miss (TS)
Rollings, Walter - driver and fireman (TS)
Rolls, Mr. (HGS)
Roussell, A. (SJC)
Sage, Charles jr. - ex police officer (SJC)
Shannahan, Ed (SJC)
Shannahan, Mrs. - wife of Ed (SJC)
Short, Mrs. (ET)
Smart, Michael (SJC)
Smith, Edward (SJC)
Snow, John DOD (TS)
Sparrow, John (SJC)
Spinney, Mr. (TS)
Squires, Jeremiah - miner (UC burials)
Squires, Elizabeth Jane James - wife of Jeremiah (UC burials)
Squires, Henry T. - son of Jeremiah and Elizabeth DOD (UC burials)
Stephens, C.W. (SJC)
Stewart, Harold jr (Wells)
Stewart, John Robert - mine captain (ET)
Stewart, Adelaide Delphina Boyde - wife of John (deduced)
Stewart, Walter - son of John and Adelaide (deduced)
Stewart, Annie Eliza - daughter of John and Adelaide (deduced)
Stewart, Cassie - daughter of John and Adelaide (deduced)
Sully, W.T. - teacher (RC school records)
Sutton, Michael - police constable (SJC)
Swain, John (ET)
Swain - wife of John (ET)
Swain - daughter of John DOB (ET)
Sylvia, Frank (SJC)
Synnott, David (SJC)
Taverner, Joseph H. - entrepreneur (TS)
Targate, Mrs. (ET)
Thoms, Mrs. (Wells)
Thomas, Christopher (Wells)
Thompson, J.C. (TS)
Thompson, Bert (TS)
Thomson, George L. - mineral analyst (TS)
Tilly, Mary (Wells)
Veale, Michael (SJC)
Veale, Mrs. (SJC)
Verge, Julia - DOB (1921 census)
Walker, John (SJC)
Wallace, Edward (SJC)
Walsh, James (SJC)
Walsh, John sr. (SJC)
Walsh, John (SJC)
Walsh, Francis R. (ET)
Walsh, Katie - wife of Francis (ET)
Walsh, Ernest - son of Francis and Katie DOD (ET)
Walsh, Patrick - miner (Encyclopedia of Newfoundland)
Walsh, Sarah - wife of Patrick (Encyclopedia of Newfoundland)
Walsh, William Joseph - son of Patrick and Sarah (Encyclopedia of Newfoundland)
Walsh, Mrs. - wife of William (SJC)
Walsh, Richard D. - postmaster (Newfoundland Almanac)
Wells, Thomas Edward - police sergeant (Wells)
Wells, Mary Jane - wife of Thomas (Wells)
Wells, Edith - daughter of Thomas and Mary (Wells)
Wells, Edward - son of Thomas and Mary (Wells)
Wells, George - son of Thomas and Mary (Wells)
Wells, Frederick - son of Thomas and Mary (Wells)
Wells, Thomas - son of Thomas and Mary (Wells)
Wells, Archibald - son of Thomas and Mary (Wells)
Wells, Fanny - daughter of Thomas and Mary (Wells)
Wells, Alfred - son of Thomas and Mary (Wells)
Wells, Doyle (TS)
Whelan, miss (ET)
Whyte, Andrew - mine management (ET)
Whyte, James - surveyor (ET)
Yates, Ernest - DOB (1921 census)
Young, Edward (SJC)
Young, Richard (SJC)
Young, Robert (Civ births)
Young, Susan - wife of Robert (Civ births)
Young, Sidney Roland - DOB (Civ births)
Young, Mrs. (SJC)
Youngs,Frederick (UC burials)
Youngs, Fanny - wife of Frederick (deduced)
Youngs, Henrietta - daughter of Fredrick and Fanny DOD (UC burials)
Youngs, Mary DOD (UC burials)